

The Charnwood-Dunlop English curriculum follows the Australian Curriculum: English which is based on three interrelated strands. Together the three strands focus on developing students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing standard Australian English.

The three strands are:
Language - knowing about the English language
Literature - understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literature
Literacy - expanding the repertoire of English usage

At Charnwood-Dunlop school we believe that igniting a passion for reading and writing fuels literacy learning. We recognise the importance of becoming literate, and work with students to develop a love for reading and writing. We start each day with Hot Reads, where students and teachers across the school engage in reading for pleasure and enjoyment with a focus on sharing quality literature. We aim to create language rich, safe and welcoming classrooms where literacy learning is authentic, purposeful, and connected to students’ real worlds and interests. Our literacy blocks are organised using a Reading and Writing Workshop model, with a focus on every child developing the skills they need to read and write effectively. All aspects of English language are intentionally taught and modelled. Time is spent explicitly teaching reading, writing, spelling, grammar, viewing, speaking and listening in an integrated way. We cater for the individual learning needs of each child through differentiation. We use a range of strategies, resources, groupings, and interventions to support the learning of every child.

We celebrate reading and quality literature through events such as our annual Book Week celebration, and giving students’ books as part of our awards acknowledgment at assemblies. We see learning to be literate as a partnership with parents, and provide information and workshop sessions for parents to support reading at home.